rin-rapport Isolatie-effecten als gevolg van wegen en zandbanen / [door] H. M. Beije rin-rapport Effecten van experimentele berijding en betreding in vier verschillende terreinen / H.M. Beije Nederlandsch Oost-Indisch leger ter westkust van Sumatra (1819-1845) / H.M. Lange : Eerste deel Sprekend verleden : een geschiedenis van de wereld / L.G. Dalhuisen : Dl. 1 / [samenst. H.M. Beliën ... et al.] H.M. the King passing through the shops at Messrs H.M. the King watches the rivetters at work H.M. the King interested in the work of the girl plate cutter using the mixed jet flame cutter H.M. the King cuts the cord and launches a ship in the Greenock & Grangemouth shipyard H.M. the King leaving the slipway after launche at the Greenock & Grangemouth Shipyard, amid cheering workers Part of an enormous crowd at Ibrox Park in Glasgow where H.M. the King arrives to hold an Investiture H.M. the king witnesses the launch of a trawler from shipyard of Messrs. Bow McLachlan & Co. H.M. the king witnesses the launch of a trawler from shipyard of Messrs. Bow McLachlan & Co.