Hollandsche Industrie- en Handelmaatschappij Den Haag-Rotterdam : een in Nederland nieuwe industrie Arguments about Upper Silesia mcgraw-hill series in health education, physical education, and recreation Industrial recreation : a guide to its organization and administration / Jackson M. Anderson Industrialisatie en chemische industrie / door J.G. Hoogland united states strategic bombing survey German abrasive industry united states strategic bombing survey Ordnance industry report united states strategic bombing survey Japanese motor vehicle industry Ontwikkeling en vernieuwing van productiemiddelen / door D.A.A. Koolen Grundritz der theoretischen und Experimental-Physick / John Millington : Erster Theil Economische en industrieele oorlogsvoorbereiding / door D. van den Berg guerre n'est pas une industrie / Alléhaut : traduction de citations de textes allemands par le chef de bataillon Goubernard air raid precautions memorandum Protection of windows in commercial and industrial buildings / issued by the Ministery of Home Security (A.R.P. Department)