Verdediging van den Luitenant-Kolonel Romswinckel : (vragen aan IJ. Garrulus) Recueil militair, bevattende wetten, besluiten en orders betreffende de Koninklijke Nederlandsche landmagt : 1813-1851 / Departement van Oorlog, 1815-1927 Recueil militair, bevattende wetten, besluiten en orders betreffende de Koninklijke Nederlandsche landmagt : 1874-1881 / Departement van Oorlog, 1815-1927 Order of Battle : The army council, G.H.Q.s, armies, and corps 1914-1918 / A.F. Becke Ordered East : advice on procedure and kit to an officer on transfer to India for the first time / by "Ship's Adjutant" oxford pamphlets on world affairs Germany's "new order" / by Duncan Wilson Order of battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War (1917-19) : General introduction, Organization and activities of the War Department ... … Hague / compiled to the order of Municipality of The Hague ; text by H. Bonsma ; ill. and arrangement by Piet Marée Orders and regulations corps of engineers queen's regulations and orders for the army revised army regulations queen's regulations and orders for the army Addenda to the General Regulations and Orders for the army, dated 12th August 1811 : continued from January 1816, to February 1817