Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section K. Barrack and Hospital Equipment. Sub-Section KB. Bedsteads and Trair Components. WO 1603 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5952 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List, Section F 3, Subsection F3A. Barrows, Tractors, Trailers, Trucks, Platforms and Stillages. - Engeland Voorschrift Working Instructions. no. 1. Wireless Set no.38. Mark III. WO 1073 - Engeland Voorschrift Working Instructions. Wireless Sets. no.38. MK. II or MK. II* in Churchill I, II, III and IV Tanks. WO 1072 - Engeland Voorschrift Working Instructions. Cable Layer Mechanical no. 1, MK I, MK I* en MK I**. Part I. Cable Layer Mechanical no. 1, MK I and MK … Basic and Battle Physical Training. Part V. Jumping, Vaulting, Climbing, Scaling and Obstacle Training. WO 7048 - Engeland Voroschrift 26/GS Publications/1563 Text Book of Ammunition. Pamphlet no. 1. Explosives. WO. 1670. Pamphlet no. 5. Small Arms Ammunition. WO 1671. Pamphlet no. 6. Grenades. WO 1672. Pamphlet … Instruction for practice seaward. Royal Artillery.1938. WO 7464 - Engeland Voorschrift Machine Gun Coammanders. Memory Card for Platoon Commanders, Platoon Serjeants, Section Commanders and Section Corporals - Engeland Voorschrift Machine Gun Compagnie & Platoon Commander's Verbal Orders.Comprising Orders for Attack, Defence & Withdrawal - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 5. Combined Operations. Smoke. WO 7826 - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 27. Combined Operations. Hardening of Commando Troops for Warfare. WO 7836 - Engeland Voorschrift