Victory / Amerikaansch Bureau voor Oorlogsinlichtingen bison book biography of General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur / S.L. Mayer Geef mij maar Amerika! vanguard series US 1st Infantry Division, 1939-45 / text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Mike Chappell vanguard series US 101st Airborne Division, 1942-45 / Philip Royall Nibley Katcher ; text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Mike Chappell vanguard series US 1st Marine Division, 1941-45 / Philip Royall Nibley Katcher ; text by Philip Katcher ; colour plates by Mike Chappell Collectors guide to the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife / by Alan W. Locken tiliareeks Luitenant Kennedy : de oorlogsbelevenissen van John F. Kennedy in de Stille Zuidzee / Robert J. Donovan onze tijd atoombom als politiek wapen : Hiroshima en Nagasaki: het begin van de kernwapenwedloop / Miklós Rácz Landing operations on hostile shores - USA Basic Field Manual, FM 31-5 (suppl.) Staff Manual Field Artillery : Tactical Employment - USA Field Manual, FM 6-20