Artillery Training. Volume I General Tactical Employment : Pamphlet no. 11. Air Defence - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1014 WO 7258 Artillery Training. Volume II, Pamphlet no. 5 : deployement of an Anti-tank Regiment - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1235 WO 7263 Artillery Training. Volume II, Pamphlet no. 17 : deployment of a light Anti-Aircraft Regiment - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/971 WO 7266 Artillery Training. Volume III Field gunnery : Pamphlet no. 3 Duties at RHQ and the Guns-General - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Trg Publications/1681 WO 8243 Supplement No. 1 to Army Training Memoranda. 1944. Japanese Morale - Engeland Voorschrift Army Training Memorandum. Number 49. 1944 - Engeland Voorschrift Army Training Memorandum. Number 50. 1944. - Engeland Voorschrift Army Training Memorandum. Number 51. 1944 - Engeland Voorschrift Army Training Memorandum. Number 52. 1945 - Engeland Voorschrift Basic and Battle Physical Training. Part III. Syllabus of Battle Physical Training and Battle Physical Efficiency Tests, WO 7117 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1530 Coast Artillery Training, Vol. II, 1933 - Engeland Voorschrift Combined Operations. Signal Book II. 1944. (Short Title-COSB II). - Engeland Voorschrift 1944