afv/weapons profile Soviet mediums T44, T54, T55 & T62 / by Michael Norman afv/weapons profile Russian T34 / by J.M. Brereton and Michael Norman afv/weapons profile PT-76 light amphibious tank & variants / by Christopher F. Foss afv/weapons profile Churchill and Sherman specials / by Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis afv/weapons profile Chieftain and Leopard main battle tanks / by Michael Norman afv Ram and Sexton / by Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis afv Mediums Marks I-III / by N.W. Duncan afv Medium tanks Marks A-D / by Chris Ellis and Peter Chamberlain afv Valentine, infantry tank Mk III / by B.T. White afv/weapons profile Cromwell and Comet / by James Bingham afv/weapons profile M48-M60 series of main battle tanks / by Robert J. Icks afv/weapons profile M4 Medium (Sherman) / by Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis