Handleiding tot de kennis der artillerie voor de cadetten van dat wapen. Afdeeling techniek : Torpedo's en electrisch zoeklicht / omgew. door G.A. van der … Handbook of the Lamp, Searchlight, H.C.D. 90 cm. Mark V, 1939. WO 860 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section X 1. Searchlights and Associated Stores. WO 1728 electrical and mechanical engineering regulations Structure of instruments and searchlights part Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 12.. Searchlights, The Training of Searchlight Operatives : Visual Numbers. WO 7057 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 11. Searchlights.The Training of Searchlight Operatives S.L.C. numbers. WO 7082 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 14. A.A. Searchlights. Gunnery. The training of searchlight operatives generator attendants, WO 7116 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 13. Searchlights. The training of searchlight operatives lamp attendants, WO 7124 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 10. Searchlights. Radar A.A. no. 2. WO 7128 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part II, Pamphlet no. 3. A.A. Searchlights, Operational procedure fot searchlights. (other than with fighter aircraft). WO 7301 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part II, Pamphlet no. 9. A.A. Searchlights, Elementary Optical Principles of Searchlights. WO 7306 Zoeklichtsamenstel, Xenon, v/Tanks. Veldonderhoud. Inspectieisen. 3 TH 9-2635