Organization and inter-communication in the field - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Manuals/90 Ivanhoe : [inhoudende de geschiedenis van Ivanhoe, wapenrusting, schilden, wapens, toernooien en steekspelen, munten, burchten en kastelen, ridderschap en alles wat de scherpzinnige lezer kan … Gun drill for Q.(uick) F.(iring) 25-PR Mark 2. Gun on carriages 25-PR, Mark 1 and 3, 1944 Exhibition of arms & armour and associated works of art : December 4 - December 14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weekdays) Eleven more lectures on battle training / by Labore blandford colour series Cavalry uniforms : including other mounted troops of Britain and the commonwealth / by Robert and Christopher Wilkinson-Latham ; illustrated by Jack Cassin-Scott osprey campaign series Hastings 1066 : the fall of Saxon England / Christopher Gravett arms and armour press illustrated monographs Naval swords : British an American naval edged weapons, 1660-1815 / P.G.W. Annis Naval edged weapons : in the age of fighting sail, 1775-1865 / Sarah C. Wolfe