TD-919 Fokker C.X Kopie van tekening A23051: Cabin ventilation and heater tube; p/o D23046 TD-920 Fokker C.X Kopie van tekening A23052: Cabin ventilation and heater tube; p/o D23046 TD-921 Fokker C.X Kopie van tekening A23053: Cabin ventilation and heater tube; p/o D23046 TD-922 Fokker C.X Kopie van tekening A23054: Cabin ventilation and heater tube; p/o D23046 TD-923 Fokker C.X Kopie van tekening A23055: Cabin ventilation and heater tube; p/o D23046 TD-1247 Kopie van tekening A23057: cabin ventilation and heater bracket; p/o D23044; WUC 41999 AK2K73KX AK2K73KX Ventilator assy Heizung und Ventilation / bearb. von Karl Schmidt ; mit Beitr. von Th. Weyl Practical ventilation and warming / J. Constantine Report of the barrack and hospital improvement commission on ventilation of cavalry stables