Precis of lectures : (dutch) / Northern Army Group 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force, Land/Air Warfare Training Team 1953 Taktik im Russlandfeldzug : Erfahrungen und Folgerungen / Eike Middeldorf Essentials of military training : a textbook for members of the regular army, national guard and army reserve Sekunden entscheiden das Leben : der Zeitfaktor im modernen Krieg und in der militärischen Ausbildung / Hans Enkelmann Essentials of military training : a textbook for members of the regular army, national guard and army reserve Beschouwingen ten aanzien van de tactiek der zware luchtdoelartillerie artilleriegevecht tegen zeedoelen / samengest. bij Artillerie-School rapport verdelingsvrije sequentiële toetsingsprocedure ten behoeve van de selectie van optimale wapensystemen en/of strategieën in de wargame (KL) / P. Spohr Artillery handbook Infantry unit leader's guide / by Charles Multop, William G. Barrett Tactics of the Soviet army : notes for regimental offers / prep. under the dir. of the Chief of the General Staff Weapons and tactics of the Soviet Army / David C. Isby