Strategy in the Civil War / John Barron Deaderick Amerikaanse strijdkrachten : een encyclopedie van Amerika's militaire uitrusting en strategie / [red. Ray Bonds ; vert. uit het Engels] united states army in world war ii Global logistics and strategy, 1943-1945 / by Robert W. Coakley and Richard M. Leighton united states army in world war ii Strategy and command : the first two years / by Louis Morton united states army in world war ii Global logistics and strategy, 1940-1943 / by Richard M. Leighton and Robert W. Coakley Field Service Regulations Larger Units - USA Voorschrift, Field Manual, 100-15 american forces in action To Bizerte with the II Corps, 23 april 1943-13 may 1943 american forces in action series Admiralties : Operations of the 1st Cavalry Division, (29 February-18 May 1944) / Historical Division midland book American civil war and the origins of modern warfare : ideas, organization, and field command / Edward Hagerman Logistics in the national defense / by Henry E. Eccles OSS weapons : special weapons and equipment weer als militair wapen : Amerika's bizarre plannen