Program of instruction : Infantry field grade officer refesher course : MOS: none / United States Army Infantry School Practical exercise : observer exercise no. 2 / The Artillery School, Air Training Department university of chicago war papers Democracy and American schools / by Charles H. Judd Field officer course : Unit organisation / Air University. Air command and staff school. Vol. 1 This is your problem : communications, preventive maintenance / The Armored School Chevrolet tractor 4x4 field artillery : questionnaire / prep. by Royal Artillery Mechanical Traction School The political economy of total war / School of Foreign Service ; [with a pref. by Edmund A. Walsh] Field officer course : Communication techniques / Air University. Air command and staff school Field officer course : Personnel / Air University. Air command and staff school Characteristics and effects of atomic explosions / Staff Department. The Infantry School (Fort Bennings) Instructor's handbook Tactical officer's guide