Shapex 83 : Nato unclassified Otan diffusion libre: programme Our very existence at stake : the defence policy in the years 1974-1983 Papers delivered at the seventh annual aircent medical conference : Fontainebleau 6, 7 et 8 nov. 1961 / Headquarters, Allied air forces Central Europe NAVO-Warschaupact vergeleken / uitg.: Ministerie van Defensie , Directie voorlichting OTAN au seuil service de la paix / conçu et realisé par Frédéric Mégret Shape and allied command Europe : in the service of peace and security / [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)] unsolved problems of European defense / by Henry A. Kissinger Atlantic Shield : the 40th anniversary of NATO Central Europe logistic concept : logistics infrastructure criteria in atomic warfare / Nato Waakzaamheid prijs van de vrijheid / [Noord Atlantische Verdrags Organisatie] Saxon-drive 1978 Info Atlantic Lion : reforger '83 brandy station aqua marine