Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section K. Barrack and Hospital Equipment. Sub-Section KB. Bedsteads and Their Components. WO 1863 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 1. Sub-Section H 1 (a). Lacquers, Paints, Varnishes, Etc. WO 1874 Alle door de afdeling persoonsgebonden uitrusting gevoerde artikelen. NC 10-12 wo Barrack and hospital equipment : brooms , brushes, garden implements, weighing machines, safes, scales and lamp accessories / by Command of the Army Council, E.W. … Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section F 6. Industrial Gases. Gas Producing Plants, and Associated Equipment. Sub-Section F6A. Gases, Chemicals, and Associted Equipment. WO 1636 … Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section J 2. Portable Cookers and Cooking Equipment. WO 5865 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/382 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section K. Barrack and Hospital Equipment. Sud-Section KA. Furniture and Woodware. WO 1602 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5952 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section K. Barrack and Hospital Equipment. Sub-Section KC. Games, Equitation, Gymnastic and Textile Articles. WO 1604 - Engeland … Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 7. Laboratory Chemicals. WO 1560 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1641 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 5. Camouflage Equipment. WO 1852 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 1. Sub-Section H 1 (d). Containers. WO 1877 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 1. Abrasives, Industrial, Chemicals, etc. WO 1875