Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section V 6. Stores common to two or more sections in V series WO 1577 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1625 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section W 3. Identificatie List. Accessories for Machine Tools. WO 1566 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1618 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section Q 1. S.A.A. and machine gun ammunition, shell fuzes, tubes, primers, fireworks (explosives). WO 1570 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1619 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section H 7. Laboratory Chemicals. WO 1560 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1641 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section E 3. Lifting and Transporting Gear. WO 1561 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5571 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section G 1. Ironmongery. WO 1574 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5950 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section K. Barrack and Hospital Equipment. Sub-Section KB. Bedsteads and Trair Components. WO 1603 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5952 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List, Section F 3, Subsection F3A. Barrows, Tractors, Trailers, Trucks, Platforms and Stillages. - Engeland Voorschrift Identification List for Ordnance M.L. 2 inch Mortar. Mks. 2*, 2**, 2***, 7,7** and 8*. WO 2238 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Pubs/6298 Brits overgangsmaterieel m.u.v. Bailey materieel. Krijgsbouwkunde Hoofdstuk IV