united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Remscheid united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Lübeck united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagoya united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagasaki united states strategic bombing survey Effects of two thousand, one thousand and five hundred pound bombs on Japanese targets : a report on eight incidents Bouw en inrichting van schuilplaatsen tegen luchtaanvallen / J.J. Meulenkamp ; met een voorwoord van W. Valderpoort book of the famous film target for to-night : the record in text and pictures of a bombing raid on Germany : adapted from the … Deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945 : eine dokumentation in Bildern / A. Galland, K. Ries, R. Ahnert ; übers. ins Englische von Sigrun Elfrath, Ulrich Elfrath Préparons la défense antiaérienne / A. Niessel guerre aérochimique et les populations civiles : étude historique, clinique, thérapeutique et préventive / L. Izard, J. des Cilleuls, R. Kermarrec ; préface d'[A.] Niessel Pictorial history of the RAF / John William Ransom Taylor : Vol. 2: 1939-1945 krijgskundige studiën betekenis van Malta in de Tweede Wereldoorlog / J. Op den Brouw, Baron F.L. van Hogendorp, T. Schreuders