Rapport aan den koning van de commissie, benoemd bij zijner Majesteits besluit van den 16den Julij 1866, no. 68, tot onderzoek van drinkwater i.v.m. de … report Cold injury - Korea 1951-52 / by [the] Cold injury research team from [the] Army medical research laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky, 1 April 1953 Isolation of active fractions from Manzanilla latex / B.P. Timmer ; uitg. R.V.O./T.N.O. Chemisch Laboratorium Review of the medical problems encountered in deep sea diving / E. Meeter Chemical therapy of radiation injuries ; bibliography / H. Heering rapport Preferential release of newly synthesized acetyl-choline by cortex slices from rat brain / P.C. Molenaar and R.L. Polak Report of the committee on the preparation of army medical statistics, ..