Voordrachten over artillerie voor de artillerie-afdeeling en den wapentechnischen cursus van de oudste klasse, deel II: Munitie / [vert. uit het Deens] Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance Q.F. 40 mm. Mark 1/ 2 on Mountings 40 mm. A.A. Marks 9 and 10 on Platform, 2 Wheeled, 40 … Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance Q.F. 6 Ponder, 7 CWT, Marks II and IV on Carriage, 6 Ponder, Marks I to II. WO 891 Handbook of enemy ammunition. German ammunition for guns and houwitsers and the tellermine. Italian hand grenade and hollow charge shell. Hungarian mine. Index. Pamphlet no. … Handbook of enemy ammunition. German grenades, and ammunition for guns, howitsers and mortars. Japanese grenades, mortar ammunition and H.E. Shell. Pamphlet no. 6. WO 622 Handbook of enemy ammunition. German mines and ammunition for guns and howitsers. Italian gun and howitser ammunition. Japanese 25 mm. H.E. Cartridge. Pamphlet no. 10. … Handbook of enemy ammunition. German mines, granades, gun ammunition and mortar ammunition. Pamphlet no. 11. WO 627 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section S 2. Ammunition for medium, heavy (Field Army) and Coast Artillery (Non Explosives) and empty packages. WO 288 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section T 2. Ammunition for Mortars, Miscellaneous Ammunition, Grenades, Etc. (Non-Explosives) and Empty Packages. WO 290 Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance, Q.F. 17 Ponder, mark 1 on Carriage 17 Ponder, mark 1 and 1W and Ordnance, Q.F. 17 Ponder, Mark 5 … Règlement de manoeuvre de l'artillerie : Description et entretien du matériel et des munitions de 220 court Mle 1916 / Ministère de la Guerre. État-major … Règlement de manoeuvre de l'artillerie : Description et entretien du matériel et des munitions de 155 L. Mle 1918 / Ministère de la Guerre. État-major …