Voordrachten over artillerie voor de artillerie-afdeeling en den wapentechnischen cursus van de oudste klasse, deel II: Munitie / [vert. uit het Deens] Instruction for field artillery, prepared by a board of artillery officers, consisting of / WM.H.French, WM. F. Barry, H.J. Hunt, to which is added The … Vorschriften für den Dienst und die Ausbildung der schweizerischen Feldartillerie Instruction sur les munitions et artifices de l'artillerie de forteresse Handleiding munitie voor de luchtdoelartillerie. TH 9-899 Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance, Q.F. 17 Pounder, Mark 1 on Carriage, 17 Pounder, Mark 1 and IW and Ordnance, Q.F. 17 Pounder, Mark 5 … Beknopt overzicht betreffende geschut en munitie. OA 86 Beknopt overzicht betreffende geschut en munitie. OA 86 Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance Q.F. 40 mm. Mark 1/ 2 on Mountings 40 mm. A.A. Marks 9 and 10 on Platform, 2 Wheeled, 40 … Maintenance Manual for the Ordnance Q.F. 6 Ponder, 7 CWT, Marks II and IV on Carriage, 6 Ponder, Marks I to II. WO 891 Handbook of enemy ammunition. German ammunition for guns and houwitsers and the tellermine. Italian hand grenade and hollow charge shell. Hungarian mine. Index. Pamphlet no. … Handbook of enemy ammunition. German grenades, and ammunition for guns, howitsers and mortars. Japanese grenades, mortar ammunition and H.E. Shell. Pamphlet no. 6. WO 622