Two tanks passing through a wood - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France The king of the Belgians inspects a tank - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France The king of the Belgians inspects a tank - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France Scene at a Tankdrome - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France A Tank's mascot - Official photograph taken on the western front in France Two tanks in a wood - On the British western front in France The King of the Belgians inspects a Tank - On the British western front in France Men working on the partly constructed deck of a standard ship - With the British navy in war time (Clyde and Newcastle) - Fresh troops … A few pills for the Huns - On the western front in France Like its name - Official photograph taken on the western front in France Obstacles such as wire and fences present no difficulty to these machines - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France Tanks in action - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France