Universal military training : foundation of enduring national strenght : first report to the Congress / by the National Security Training Commission United States Army in the world war 1917-1919 : Early military operations of the American expeditionary forces / Department of the Army. Historical Division Foreign Military Weapons and Equipment (U). Quartermaster Organizational Equipment (U) U.S.S.R. (U). - USA Voorschrift Army Pamphlet 30-10-1 Foreign Military Weapons and Equipment (U). Bridging and Stream-Crossing Equipment (U). U.S.S.R. - USA Voorschrift Army Pamphlet 30-19-1 shifting balance of military power / Blue Ribbon Defense Panel training regulations band : formations, movements, inspections, etc., dismounted / prep. under dir. of the Chief of Infantry Heavy weapons company infantry regiment / Department of the Army - USA Field Manual, FM 7-15 Report on Third International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy : Paris, April, 1925 Falsificators of history : (an historical note) : text of a communiqué by the Soviet information bureau, Moscow Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 6 June 1944 to … department of the army pamphlet Combat in Russian forests and swamps United States Army in the world war 1917-1919 / Department of the Army, Historical Division