Tales from the mess : a military miscellany / Miles Noonan Menschenmateriaal : het relaas van Groot-Brittanniës mobilisatie voor den oorlog / samengest. voor het Ministerie van Arbeid en Nationale Dienst door het Ministerie van Voorlichting Portrait of Churchill / by Guy Eden ; with a forew. by Brendan Bracken vanguard series British Guards Armoured Division, 1941-45 / text by John Sandars ; colour plates by Mike Chappell Bombing vindicated / J.M. Spaight leger der schaduw / Joseph Kessel memoirs of Field-Marshal the viscount Montgomery of Alamein, K.G. history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Inland transport / C.I. Savage bridge too far / [by] Cornelius Ryan Victory through air power / by Alexander Seversky History of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 8th battalion, 1939-47 / Lt.-Col. A.D. Malcolm ; with a foreword by Major-General G.H.A. MacMillan War at the top : based on the experiences of general Sir Leslie Hollis / James Leasor