Fat man in Nagasaki : Nederlandse krijgsgevangenen overleefden de atoombom / J. Stellingwerff Japan / by the editors of Fortune magazine united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagoya united states strategic bombing survey Effects of two thousand, one thousand and five hundred pound bombs on Japanese targets : a report on eight incidents Hiroshima dagboek : 6 augustus - 30 september 1945 / Michihiko Hachiya ; bew. door Warner Wells ; vert. uit het Engels J. Landooy Holland in Hollandia / [Ingenieurs-Bureau Ingenegeren-Vrijburg] Tarawa Tarawa seri monografi Pemberontakan tentara Peta Blitar melawan Djepang (14 Pebruari 1945) / Nugroho Notosusanto Typhoon in Tokyo : the occupation and its aftermath / Harry Emerson Wildes Japan's imperial conspiracy / David Bergamini ; with an introduction by William F. Webb ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Leyte gulf : armada in the Pacific / [by] D. MacIntyre