General George C. Marshall Museum : Amerikaanse militaire voertuigen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog military collections of the world US Army Ordnance Museum Aberdeen / text P. Skulski ; photos B. Bercarz, A. Juszczak, R. Pÿðeczkowski ; ed. in chief Roger Wallsgrove ; transl. … Landing-force manual : United States Navy 1938 United States Air Force : basic data Twintig jaar verraad : communistische infiltratie in Amerika : een samenvatting van de onthullende boeken van de Amerikaanse journalist John T. Flynn: The Roosevelt myth … Guide to U.S. Army museums and historic sites / comp. by Norman Miller Cary Jr. fighting forces - penguin special This is the Navy : an anthology / ed. by Gilbert Cant Admiral's House and it's occupants / Navy Department, Naval History Division Wedloop in kernbewapening / J.H. Leurdijk Field officer course : Unit organisation / Air University. Air command and staff school. Vol. 1 Field officer course : Communication techniques / Air University. Air command and staff school Field officer course : Personnel / Air University. Air command and staff school