British naval medals : commemorative medals, naval rewards, war medals, ...engraved pieces, etc.,etc. / Marquess of Milford Haven Engelsche expeditie tegen Chitral in 1895 beschouwd in verband met den oorlog van Nederland tegen Atjeh / door Miles Mediterranean fleet : Greece to Tripoli : the Admiralty account of naval operations, April 1941 to January 1943 / [prepared for the Admiralty by the … rotunda / Museum of artillery Naval operations in the Aegean between the 7th september, 1943 and 28th november, 1943 / by Algernon U. Willis Transport support wing / R.A.F., School of Land/Air Warfare Imperial War Museum handbook dark haven / by F.T.K. Bullmore ; with a forew. by John Salmond Delivering a succesful museum building / ed. by May Cassar wachter der zeeën : de onvermoeide waakzaamheid der Britsche marine Battle of Britain : August-October 1940 : an Air Ministry account of the great days from 8th August-31st October 1940 Customs and traditions of the Royal Navy : with chapters on the Royal Marines, the Women's Royal Naval Service, naval decorations and medals / A.B. …