Future of Nato forces : a transatlantic conference held in Washington, D.C., November 17-18, 1986 / co-sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc., … Gewerkschaften und die NATO Analysis NATO comparative trials : 17-21 May 1965 Manpower issues for NATO : motivation and mobilisation / interim report of the sub-committee on manpower and personnel, pres. by Adriaan Ploeg bernard & graefe aktuell Islam und die NATO : Bedrohung an der Südflanke / Gregor M. Manousakis Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact : a comparative study / NATO Information Service Report on the work of the NATO committee on the challenges of modern society (CCMS) in 1981 atlantisch onderwijspaper 50 jaar NAVO: nieuwe tijden, nieuwe taken? / A. van Baal ... [et al. ; eindred. Niklaas Hoekstra ; foto's: NATO Photo] Emergency war surgery handbook : a handbook of emergency treatment and intial surgical care of war wounds : prep. for use by the medical services … 1st conference on the importance of women in the nato defence / Danish Atlantic Association Shapex 83 : Nato unclassified Otan diffusion libre: programme NATO, facts and figures / North American Treaty Organization