osprey military men-at-arms series Taiping rebellion, 1851-66 / text by Ian Heath ; colour plates by Michael Perry Wapen onder dak : de brigadekazernes van de Koninklijke Marechausse 1814-2008 / Michael van der Zee en Gijs Rommelse War in the Gulf : from the invasion of Kuwait to the day of victory and beyond / Thomas B. Allen, F. Clifton Berry, Norman … Korean war / Max Hastings apostles of mobility : the theory and practice of armoured warfare / Michael Carver On war / Carl von Clausewitz ; ed. and transl. [from the German] by Michael Howard and Peter Paret ; introductory essays by Peter Paret, … Masters of war : classical strategic thought / Michael I. Handel Mercenaries and their masters : warfare in renaissance Italy / [by] Michael Mallett ; foreword by William Caferro Battle casualities : incidence, mortality, and logistic considerations / by Gilbert W. Beebe and Michael E. De Bakey Invul-instructie voorwerp registratie kaart collectiebeheer KNLWM / M.E. Horrée Hitler's rocket soldiers : the men who fired the V-2s against England / Murray R. Barber and Michael Keuer In vredesnaam : de Vrede van Utrecht, Rastatt en Baden, 1713-1714 / Renger de Bruin en Maarten Brinkman (red.) ; [vert. Renger de Bruin ... …