c.i.e.m.e identification list C.I.E.M.E. wireless sets, no. 48 : MK I and associated equipment (U.S.A. equipment) c.i.e.m.e. identification list Charging sets, 1260 watt, no. 1 Parts list for Ordnance, M.L.2-In.Mortar, MK.II V.A.O.S. : section M.I. Parts list for Projector, Infantry, anti-tank, MK.I. : section B I war department technical manual Tamk car heater, model DS, 2-car capacity : maintenance manual and parts list List of training regulations, technical regulations, training manuals, and field manuals / published to date and distribution thereof Instruments for testing optical and fire control instruments : Section W 5 : Amendments to the Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores with instructions relating thereto … c.i.e.m.e. provisional parts list Wireless senders no. 76 c.i.e.m.e. provisional parts list Wireless sets no. 62, Mk. 2 / prep. and printed by [the] Chief inspector electrical and mechanical equipment (C.I.E.M.E.) c.i.e.m.e. identification list Wireless sets No. 22 c.i.e.m.e. identification list Z.B. 10632 : charging sets, lightweight, 80 watt (C.I.E.M.E.) c.i.e.m.e. identification list Charging sets, 550 watt, no. 1