A Treatise Of Artillery: Containing I. General Contructions of Brass and Iron Guns used by Sea and Land, and their Carriages. II. General Contructions of … The Succession of Colonels to All His Majesties Land Forces, from their Rise, to 1744. Precedency of Each Regiment, with Dates to Promotions, Removes, Deaths … Eerste Deels eerste stuk: Vervattende Eene Beschryving van 's Lands Gelegenheid; een kort Begrip der Engelsche Historie; eene Beschryving van den Godsdienst; van den Koning; … Tweede Deels eerste Stuk: Vervattende Eene naauwkeurige Landbeschryving van gantsch Engeland, verdeeld in zyne Kreitzen en Graafschappen; zo ten opzigt van derzelver Gesteldheid in 't … December 1759. Proposals For Printing by Subscription, In Weekly Numbers, (Price Six-pence each Number.) A New And Complete Collection Of Voyages and Travels: Comprizing Whatever … Walcheren 1809 : the scandalous destruction of a British army / Martin R. Howard Gun Drill for Q.F. 4.5-inch Gun, Mark II, on A.A. Mark I Mounting : Land Service : Provisional 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1098 Maintenance manual for the ordnance, Q.F. 25-pr., marks II and III etc. : Land service - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Manuals/3416 women's land army / V. Sackville-West Handbook for the ordnance : Q.F. 25 Pr., Mark II on carriage, 25-Pr., Mark I. : Land Service - Engeland Voorschrift, 226/Publications/50 Gun Drill for 40-mm. A.A. Gun and Predictor, A.A. no. 3. (Britsh Equipments) and 40-mm. A.A. Gun and Directors M.5 and M.6 (U.S.A. Equipments) : … Gun Drill for Q.F. 3.7 inch, Mark II or III Gun, on Mounting Q.F. 3.7 inch. A.A. Mark II. Land Service. - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS …