American soldier : US armies : 1755 to the present / Philip Katcher ; [comp. and ed. by Richard Widdows] bicycle in wartime : an illustrated history / Jim Fitzpatrick Verteidigung Sebastopol's von Ed von Todleben in einem kurzen kritischen Auszuge / Lehmann Armamento individuale dell'esercito Italiano dal 1861 al 1943 / Gianrodolfo Rotasso, Maurizio Ruffo old guard : history of the third infantery regiment Histoire abrégée des campagnes modernes / par J. Vial ; complétée et mise a jour par C. Vial Scientific handicraft : an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of scientific apparatus manufactured and sold by John J. Griffin & Sons, makers of scientific instruments blackwell classic histories of europe Revolutionary Europe, 1783-1815 / George Rudé ; with an introduction and additional readings by Harvey J. Kaye guerre au Dahomey : 1888-1893 : d'après les documents officiels / par Ed. Aublet Wereldgeschiedenis van den tegenwoordigen tijd : het jaar 1871 / naar het Hoogduitsch van Wilhelm Müller ; bewerkt door S.H. ten Cate Collecting metal shoulder titles / Ray Westlake information department papers Abyssinia and Italy