Kapitein G.J. Wulfhorst van de KNIL-Mobiele Eenheid (vechtwagens) Geheim agente Fick-Gemmeke, Ridder in de Militaire Willems-Orde 4e klasse Letter no. 4 by the Commander-in-chief on non-fraternisation, getekend A.L. Montgomery Field Marchall 25 september 1945 history of the British army / J.W. Fortescue British Army : its origin, progress and equipment / S.D. Scott history of the uniforms of the British Army / C.C.P. Lawson : 4 summery of the transport used by the British Army 1939-45 / M.P. Conniford Index to British military costume prints, 1500-1914 / compiled by the Army Museums Ogilby Trust in conjunction with the Robert Ogilby Trust Inspection list for bomb-thrower, 2-in., C mark 1* (V.A.O.S. Section M 1) / issued bty the Inspection board for the UK and Canada in collaboration … Bombarde, 1400-1500 Rood schildvormig indelingsembleem tbv British Army of the Rhine (B.A.O.R.), waarop breed blauw kruis Rood schildvormig indelingsembleem tbv British Army of the Rhine (B.A.O.R.), waarop breed blauw kruis