Rückzug über die Beresina Hulde aan H.H.M.M. den koning en koningin op H.D. zilver feest Transito del Po, sobre puente de barcas, que paso el Rey Catholico N.S. con una de las colunas que llevo S. Magestad el dia 25. … 1807 1814 Still treasuring his trophy of war: Belgian wounded returning from Liege. - The centre man with a German helmet slung from one of the buttons … After the landing which the enemy thought impossible: British troops in action on the 'impregnable' Gallipoli peninsula Do German submarines get supplies under water? A possibiity. A fight for a chateau: French and Germans at close quarters. Saving trench-time: cartridges flung from man to man On the road to Gorizia: near a doubly-endangered town Trenches 5000 feet up: at barracks coloured 'futuristiccally'