Contraves. Radar directed fire control unit, For 40, 57 and 75mm A.A. batteries Contraves. E.O.T.S. - Phototheodolites, The odolite station, Description Contraves. Fire control system CT 40 Contraves. Telepointeur a calculateur incorpore radar, T.P.C., Présentation du poste a calcul ,,Contraves" Contraves. Servo/test instrument Contraves. Die oionoskop-Anlage, Prospekt OAD Contraves. Kugelkornrechner "Contraves"- The "Contraves" A.A. Gun Sight Calculator Contraves. Project einer Feuerleitanlage für eine 34mm Flab. Bttr., Br. 46 Jagd- und Sportwaffen