Submachine Gun Caliber .45 inch, M3. FM 23-41 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .30 inch, HB, M1919A4, Ground. FM 23-45 Browning Machine Gun Caliber.30 inch, HB. M1919A4. Mounted in Combat Vehicles. FM 23-50 - USA Basic Field Manual, FM 23-50 Browning Machine Guns, Caliber .30 inch, M1917A1, M1919A4, and M1919A6 - USA Voorschrift, Field Manual, 23-55 Browning Machineguns Caliber .30 inch, M1917A1, M1919A4, M1919A4E1, M1919A6, and M37. FM 23-55 Browning machine Gun, Caliber.50 inch. HB. M2. FM 23-65 Affuit, Drievoet, Mitrailleur, cpl. v/mitrailleur.303 inch, Bren. Affuit, Drievoet, Mitrailleur, cpl. v/mitrailleur, 7.62 mm. NATO. MAG. FN. 2 DL 1005-17-003-0338 Storingstabel Mitrailleur Browning.50 inch Machine Gun Handbook. (Technical) Volume I, Pamphlet no. 2. Mountings, Tripod,.303 inch, M.G. MK IV, Adapter, Vickers, M.G. MK I, Mount, Field, Vickers.303 inch, M.G. … Machine Gun Handbook. (Technical). Volume I, Pamphlet no. 1. Vickers.303 inch and 5 inch Machine Guns and Appurtenances. WO 888 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/3431 Instruction Provisoire pour les unites de mitrailleuses d'infanterie du 1er Octobre 1920. Premiere Partie. Preparation technique des unites de mitrailleuses. Deuxieme Partie. Les unites de … Bevoorradingscatalogus. Groep C. Toegestane hoeveelheden voor veld- en basisonderhoud. Mitrailleur, Bren.303 inch, MK 1 en 2. Codenr. 29.0741 en 29.0742. TD 8 SNL AN 095