Tactics instruction memorandum : Radio voice procedure for field artillery Logarithmic trigonometric and short-base tables Gunnery instruction memorandum : Use of Photomaps in Field Artillery Battalion Survey and Unobserved Fire Gunnery instruction memorandum : Laying A Mosaic by Radial Line Method Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Aerial O.P. Materiel instruction memorandum : Field Artillery Ammunition Persoonsgebonden ensemble van D.A. Nederlof, bestaande uit onder andere voorschriften en persoonlijke documenten united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Lübeck united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagoya united states strategic bombing survey effects of air attack on the city of Nagasaki united states strategic bombing survey Effects of two thousand, one thousand and five hundred pound bombs on Japanese targets : a report on eight incidents Erwin Rommel / L. Koch ; trad. de l'allemand par R. Jouan