Inhalt und Herstellung der topografischen Karte 1:25000 (Mesztischblätter) / M. Walter lasting peace : a conversation between X. (a neutral) and Y. (an Englishman) / by G.W. Prothero Aids to weapon training : some ideas on improvisation / by G.E. Thornton, H. de L. Walters Russian army : its men, its leaders and its battles / Walter Kerr Kriegführung der neuesten Zeit und deren Einfluss auf die Verwendung, Organisation, Ausrüstung und Taktik der Cavallerie / H. Walter Feuerwerksbuch des Basler Büchsenmachers und Zeugwarts Walter Lützelmann vom Jahre 1582 / von Wolfgang Schneewind military history from primary sources Into battle with Napoleon 1812 :The journal of Jakob Walter / edited and annotated by Bob Carruthers ; [ill. Albrecht Adam et al.] diary of a Napoleonic foot soldier / Jakob Walter ; edited and with an introduction by Marc Raeff By His Majesty's Command. Adjutant General's Office. Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-Exercise, and Movements of His Majesty's Forces. A new Edition. Vijf hoge militairen uit het Staatse leger in de schijnwerper / Walter van de Garde koor van de Grote of O.L.V. Kerk te Breda als Pantheon voor Staatse militairen International directory of arts = Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch = Annuario internazionale delle belle arti = Annuaire international des beaux-arts = Anuario internacional de las artes / …