Beleidsplan Geniemuseum Vught 2009-2013 / [Stichting De Historische Genie Verzameling ; tekst H. Sonnemans] Verleden, heden en toekomst : advies van de Commissie historische en maatschappelijke vorming Index materieelverzorgingsplannen, in- en afvoerinstructies, projectinstructies en overigen. VS 2-300 Infantry Airborne Infantery and Mechanized Infantry Rifle Plantoons and Squads. FM 7-15 Army Medical Service Planning Guide. FM 8-55 Tractor, Crawler, Diesel, 70 to 90-DBHP, Standard, Caterpillar D7, 74-In. Gage, with La Plant-Choate R-71, Angledozer and Le Tourneau R-7, Power Control Unit. Serial Nos. … Materieelverzorgingsplan Loader, Transorter (LT), M688, t.b.v. Lance Weaponsystem Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section F 6. Industrial Gases. Gas Producing Plants, and Associated Equipment. Sub-Section F6A. Gases, Chemicals, and Associted Equipment. WO 1636 … Regelement sur les exercices et les evolutions de l'artillerie. Troisieme Partie. Instructions des unites automobiles. Artillerie a Tracteurs. Planches - België Voorschrift Regulation for Army. Ordnance Services. War. Pamphlet no. 20. Vol. 2. Planning Data. WO 6049 (4051) Calamiteitenregeling Koninklijke Landmacht. KL-orders 15/6, 15/6 A. VS 2-1578 Regulation for Army Ordnance Service. Pamphlet no. 42. Volume 3. Presarvation of Ordnance Store-Plant and Layout. WO 1748