Bewaking van SS-ers in Brasschaat bij Antwerpen Stoere jongens, ferme knapen Royalty in exile Women of the Womens Army Auxiliary Corps. (W.A.A.C.) making bread for the British troops in France - Official photograph taken on the British western front … An island home in the mud - With the British western front in France Moonlight effects of the mud fields of Flanders east of Ypres - With the British western front in France Moonlight effects of the mud fields of Flanders east of Ypres - With the British western front in France Going up for the night's work - With the British on the western front in France A Royal Flying Corps Bombing Squadron - On the British western front in France Fallschirmjäger springen ab! - Unsere Luftwaffe - Fallschirmjäger Der Sprung in's Nichts! - Unsere Luftwaffe - Fallschirmjäger Fallschirmjäger kurz nach dem Absprung, der Fallschrim öffnet sich - Unsere Luftwaffe - Fallschirmjäger