Verzorgingshandleiding. Ontwerp. VS 2-1387 Verzorgingshandleiding. VR 2-1387 Verzorgingshandleiding. VR 2-1387 Quartermaster Service in Theater of Operations. FM 10-10. Quartermaster Service in Theater of Operations. FM 10-10. Quartermaster Parts Company. FM 10-12. Quatermaster Sales Company Mobile. FM 10-15. Quatermaster Organization and Service in Army and Corps. FM 10-17. Quartermaster Reclamation and Maintenance Company Semimobile. FM 10-23. Quartermaster Subsistence Depot Company. FM 10-30. Leidraad voor predikanten t.b.v . van de dienstplichtige leden hunner gemeente Administration in the field. Administration within the division. WO 8690