Death in the air : the war diary and photographs of a flying corps pilot autogiro and how to fly it / by Reginald Brie Flying cadets of the Air Corps : aviation as a career Flying cadets of the Army Air Corps : aviation as a career American decorations : a list of awards of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Distinguished-Service Cross, the Distinguished-Flying Cross, awarded under authority of the Congress … work and training of the Royal Flying Corps / H. Cecil Fighting the flying circus / E.V. Rickenbacker ; with maps and a foreword by L. la Tourette Driggs aeronautical reprints Trans-continental flying / P.D. Acland Met vlag en wimpel = with flying colours Scramble : flying the aircraft of World War II / John Nesbitt-Dufort A Field Surgery Pocket Book (Revised) Memoranda Mainly Based on Experience in the 1939-45 War. WO 5628 air publication Royal Air Force flying training manual / publ. by His Majesty's Stationery Office