loan exhibition of equestrian equipment from the Metropolitan of Art / S.V. Grancsay ; publ. by the J.B. Speed Art Museum Knight in armor / E. Watts ; publ. by the Metropolitan Museum of Art Lugers unlimited / F.G. Tilton Civil war carbines from service to sentiment / A.F. Lustyik Small arms ammunition 1944 Histoire illustrée des blindés / A. Halle ; dessins de Carlo Demand history of the Colt revolver and the other arms made by Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company from 1836 to 1940 / Ch.T. Haven and … American socket bayonets 1717-1873 / D.B. Webster military arms of Canada / by Upper Canada Historical Arms Society ; contributing authors E.J. Anderson, R.J. Dynes, S.J. Gooding a.o. Meine Flugzeuge im Grossdeutschen Freiheitskampf / E. Heinkel Stara bron w Polskich zbiorach = Old weapons in Polish collections / Z. Zygulski Famous bombers of the second world war / W. Green