Rassenproblemen en burgerrechten in de Verenigde Staten / J.W. Schulte Nordholt dossier 1940-1945 Churchill, de man van het V-teken / [door H.C. Ebeling] Diplomat / by Charles W. Thayer ; foreword by Harold Nicholson Nuclear weapons of the United States : an illustrated history / James N. Gibson Onderwijs in de Verenigde Staten Company administration : including personnel management, unit records, supply and mess and the personnel secton including career guidance and personnel management, personnel records and pay … Leader's handbook / publ. at the US Army Infantry School Aus der Praxis des Taylor-Systems : mit eingehender Beschreibung seiner Anwendung bei der Tabor Manufacturing Company in Philadelphia / von Rudolf Seubert Applied elasticity / by John Prescott united states army in world war ii Stilwell's command problems / by Charles F. Romanus and Riley Sunderland united states army in world war ii Time runs out in CBI / by Charles F. Romanus and Riley Sunderland Battle report / Walter Karig : 2: The Atlantic war