report of the military governor Communications (quarterly review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Communications (cumulative review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Education and religious affairs (quarterly review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Industry (including coal), (quarterly review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) report of the military governor Reparations (cumulative review) / Office of the Military Government for Germany (U.S.) special report Ownership and control of the Ruhr industries / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) special report Economic developments since currency reform / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) special report Three years of reparations : progress of reparations form Germany in the form of capital industrial equipment / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) special report Property control : history, policies, practices and procedures of the United States area of control, Germany / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) special report Statistical handbook of bizonal recovery programs for fiscal years 1948/49 - 1949/50 - 1952/53 and summary of economic progress U.S./U.K. occupied areas of Germany / … special report Property control in the U.S. occupied areas of Germany / Office of military government for Germany (U.S.) Uit de nevelen / rede gehouden voor het Bijzonder Gerechtshof met een voorw. en bijlage door Dirk Jan de Geer