Current Reports From Overseas no. 77. WO 7791 Current Reports From Overseas no. 79. WO 7793 Current Reports From Overseas no. 80. WO 7794 Infantry Division in Battle. 1950. - Engeland Voorschrift, WO Code No/8476 Manual of Militaire Intelligence, 1946. Pamphlet no. 2. Battle Intelligence. Code No. 7122 - Engeland Voorschrift Military Training Pamphlet. no. 41. Part 3. The tactical handling of the Armoured Division and its components. (All Arms). WO 7654 Notes From Theatres of War. no. 20. Italy 1943/1944. WO. 7820 Periodical Notes on the Japanese Army. no. 2. The Infantry Division, Organization, Characteristics of Weapons, and Organization of Units - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1247 Periodical Notes on the Japanese Army. no. 3. Combined Operations - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/688 Staff Duties in the Field, 1949. Appendix E. Air Reconnaissance Code. WO 8457 - Staff Duties in the Field, 1949. Appendix F. Vehicle Unit Signs … Führung und gefecht der verbundenen Waffen (F.u.G.) Abschnitt XII-XVIII vom 20.Juni 1923 Instruction provisoire sur l'emploi et la manoeuvre des unités d'autos-mitrailleuses de cavalerie : Tome I, première partie