politics and culture in north-western europe 1650-1720 War and religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713 / ed. by David Onnekink Military Orientalism : eastern war through western eyes / Patrick Porter the princeton economic history of the western world Power over peoples : technology, environments, and western imperialism, 1400 to the present / Daniel R. Headrick Hitler's blitzkrieg campaigns : the invasion and defense of Western Europe, 1939-1940 / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann Perilous glory : the rise of Western military power / John France [Oranda kangun no fukushoku oyibi gunzō ryakuzu = Uniformen kleuren en geschetste militaire uitrustingen van het officiële Nederlandse leger] Beschrijving hoedanig de koninklijke Nederlandsche troepen en alle in militaire betrekking staande personen gekleed, geëquipeerd en gewapend zijn : de bepalingen daaromtrent, de dimensien en … The great battle on the western front: a heroic fight to save guns Ambuscaded from the clouds: a British western front surprise for the enemy Welsh troops, who behaved so magnificently at the storming of Zonnebeke, drawing bombs before the attack. - Offical photograph taken on the British Western Front. … Proceedings ... ordinary sessions / Assembly Western European Union = Actes officiels ... sessions ordinaires / Assemblée de l'Union de l'Europe Occidentale groote oorlog / uitg. voor de Western Front Association Nederland