Trois Volumes In-Quarto. Tome Premier. Jubilerend Cavaleriemuseum / Jo Thomas Cavaleriemuseum koestert heden en historie / door Jo Thomas All the world's fighting ships : cosmopolitan naval annual / Naval Syndicate ; founded and ed. by Fred T. Jane Fighting ships / Naval Syndicate ; founded and ed. by Fred T. Jane Sutton Hoo ship-burial : a provisional guide / [by R.L.S. Bruce-Mitford ; foreword by Thomas Downing Kendrick] bombardement : herinneringen van een Rotterdams gezin / Koos Postema Vergaser und Einspritzanlagen : Autos und Motorräder von 1900 - 1965 ; [Einstellen u. Instandsetzen von Oldtimern] / Thomas Becker Thomas en Esther, Esther en Thomas / Adriaan Venema bioscoop in de oorlog / Thomas Leeflang men-at-arms series Axis forces in Yugoslavia, 1941-45 / Nigel Thomas and Krunislav Mikulan occasional papers on technology Pictures of ivory and other animal teeth, bone and antler / with a brief comm. of their use in identification by T.K. Penniman