En nu hoort U de vrijbuiter ... : rijmen en praatjes uit de Engelsche radio tijdens de oorlogsjaren / door Vrijbuiter, Hendrik de Prater history of 11th Armoured division / British army of the Rhine Seven assignments / D. Clarke ; with an introduction by Field Marshal the Earl Wavell Women at war / drawn and overheard by Phyllis Pearsall D-Day : Operation Overlord : from its planning to the liberation of Paris / forew. by Winston S. Churchill ; [ed.: Tony Hall ; authors … Exercise book plain, supplied for use in Military Schools, &c. Battle of Britain / editors, Kenneth Munson, John W.R. Taylor wo Identification list for ordnance, q.f. 6-pr. 7-cwt., marks 2 & 4 on carriage, 6-pr., marks 1,3 & 3/1. / By Command of the Army Council wo Identification list for ordnance, q.f. 25-pr., marks 2, 2/1, 3, 3/1 & 4 on carriage, 25-pr., mk. 1 with trailer, artillery, no. 27, mk. 1, … Collectie Serge Stone 3 archiefdoos met de volgende militaire luchtvaart gerelateerde vliegtuigtypen: British miscellaneous war 39/45 30 Smash Hits of the War Years / The Concert Band & Chorus of the R.A.A.F. auswärtiges amt Dokumente zur englisch-französischen Politik der Kriegsausweitung : [fac-similés et traductions.]