Despatch by the Supreme Commander of the ABDA area to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in the South-West Pacific, 15 January 1942 … theunited states strategic bombing survey Fifth Air Force in the war against Japan Landing operations on hostile shores - USA Basic Field Manual, FM 31-5 (suppl.) Staff Manual Field Artillery : Tactical Employment - USA Field Manual, FM 6-20 Dispatch drafting manual Field artillery : Gunnery - USA Field Manual, FM 6-40 Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 105mm Howitzer M2 Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Graphical Firing Table (GFT) Materiel instruction memorandum : 75mm Pack Howitzer, M-1 Materiel instruction memorandum : Preparation of Vehicles for Deep Water Fording Materiel instruction memorandum : Duties of the Safety Officer