Halmen van de hoop / Peter Baker ; uit het Engelsch vert. door Paul Lenda En nu hoort U de vrijbuiter ... : rijmen en praatjes uit de Engelsche radio tijdens de oorlogsjaren / door Vrijbuiter, Hendrik de Prater In zoeklicht en afweervuur / Guy Gibson ; [vert. uit het Engels door Joanita Lee et al...] Common man and colonel Bogus / by Michael Barsley Transportation of the army to Greece and evacuation of the army from Greece, 1941 / by Andrew B. Cunningham Eleven more lectures on battle training / by Labore defence (general) regulations, 1939 / Office of the Parliamentary Counsel history of the second world war. campaign book Commando / Peter Young ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Bir Hacheim : desert citadel / [by] Richard Holmes Handbook of the Imperial War Museum : [Lambeth Road, London S.E.I] : 1914 to the present day / With a pref. by Noble Frankland War equipment table for headquarters of a light anti-aircraft regiment, RA (Mobile), 1942 : (to command 3 light anti-aircraft batteries) Equipment table for a relief driver increment R.A.S.C