Geglazuurde herinneringstegel "302/ VZG/ CO" tbv de Verzorgingscompagnie (kleuren: wit/rood/zwart/goud/zilver) Geglazuurde herinneringstegel "C.R.S.V. DE MINEUR/ GENIE/ KMA" tbv de Cadetten revolver schietvereniging (Genie) van de Koninklijke Militaire Academie (kleuren: bruin/geel/zwart/wit) Belgian soldiers rebuilding a home in Belgium A scene in one of the captured villages The first car to cross a new bridge built by our troops British troops moving forward over a canal A British Labour Battalion along a road in Flanders Laying a railway line to help in forcing back the Hun Stones for road repairs Bridging the Yser during the advance North of Ypres Bridging the Yser North of Ypres A bridge built over the Yser as we advanced